JFTSOI closed for Renovations - New Plan For Freebies

3/01/2008 03:54:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Well, we did it ... the store is closed and now the real work will be starting! And of course, I'm in the process of getting ready to move ... so my time is going to be short! That said, I've decided that I'm going to post my freebies on the JFTSOI yahoo group during this time as I just don't have enough to post everywhere. So, if you want to get my goodies and be updated on the progress of the store ... and maybe participate in some challenges - join the group today! The button to join is in the side bar.

I just posted this goodie last night:

It's going to stay available until Monday. The link is available on the group.

Okay, I'm off to go get blinds for the windows! Hope to see you in the group!